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Tourism data publication schedule for 2025

Up-to-date information on tourism in Spain through Dataestur's analytic graphics

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Dataestur offers four useful access points for tourism data for Spain. The website offers dashboards to analyse information on travel and leisure, the economy in tourism, transport, accommodation, sustainability and tourism knowledge. You can subscribe to the newsletter to receive the latest data in your inbox every week. In addition, the API service will facilitate automated access to data from connections to data management software. If you manage a destination, you can use the Smart Tourism System (SIT) with dashboards personalised with any available data for your destination.

Here is the 2025 schedule for updates from the main sources available in Dataestur


FRONTUR – Statistics on tourist movements at the border
Monthly frequency. Information for the month before last is published every month, between the 1st and 4th. For example, the data for November of the previous year will be published in January.
Publication dates:
03/01 – 03/02 – 04/03 – 02/04 – 05/05 – 02/06 – 02/07 – 01/08 – 01/09 – 02/10 – 31/10 – 03/12

ETR – Resident tourism survey
Quarterly frequency. Data for the previous quarter are published in the last days of the current quarter. For example, information for the first quarter of the year is published on 30 June.
Publication dates:
26/03 – 30/06 – 24/09 – 19/12

Measuring tourism using mobile phones
Monthly or bi-monthly frequency. This is usually published in the first five days of the month, with data for the month before last (this is sometimes published every two months).
It shows the origin of foreign and national tourists up to the municipal level, and the international destination of national tourists. It features a history of data back to July 2019.

World tourism with figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Annual frequency. The data refer to international tourism worldwide and the reference date of the information may vary depending on the country.
Publication date: January.

Tickets sold and spending on leisure activities and performances
This is information on sales of ticket sales for activities and performances at the province level. It is updated at the beginning of each month with information from the previous month.

Ratings of tourist attractions by tourists, with data from Informa
Dataestur shows the latest quarterly data provided by Informa on ratings of tourist attractions and resources by tourists.
Dates of publication: Between the 1st and 10th of February – April – July - October

Museum visits
Display of the statistics on Museums and Museum Collections published by the Ministry of Culture.
Publication date: End of February in even-numbered years.


EGATUR – Tourist spending survey
Information on spending by international tourists in Spain. The update includes information from the month before last.  In other words, the data for January is published on 4 March.
Publication dates:
03/01 – 03/02 – 04/03 – 02/04 – 05/05 – 02/06 – 02/07 – 01/08 – 01/09 – 02/10 – 31/10 – 03/12

Spending and POS transactions
Monitoring of payments at point-of-sale terminals in Spain.
Publication date: Around the 15th.

Spending by visitors not resident in the European Union deduced from tax refunds
Monthly information on spending by non-EU residents in Spain. It is calculated from tax refund transactions.
Publication date: Around the 15th.

Price and consumption index for tourism and hospitality  
The Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) publishes the price index for the previous month between the 11th and 15th of each month. You can check the information referring to the Tourism and Hospitality section in Dataestur.
Publication dates:
15/01 – 14/02 – 14/03 – 11/04 – 14/05 – 13/06 – 15/07 – 13/08 – 12/09 – 15/10 – 14/11 – 12/12

Tourism and travel data in the balance of payments
Monthly frequency.
Data provided by the National Bank of Spain, which updates the information for the month before last during the last days of the current month. In other words, data for January are published on 31 March.
Publication dates:
31/01 – 28/02 – 31/03 – 30/04 – 30/05 – 30/06 – 31/07 – 29/08 – 30/09 – 31/10 – 28/11 – 30/12

Statistics on employment and jobs in tourism in Smart Tourism Destinations.
This information is provided by the Public Employment Service and enables monitoring of employment in destinations belonging to the Smart Tourism Destinations (DTI) network.
Publication dates:
January – April – July – October. Around the 15th

Tourism employment through Social Security contributors, with details for the tourism sector
This is analysis from Turespaña. Visualisation of this data is available in Dataestur. Information from the previous month is updated between the 15th and 18th of each month.
Publication dates:
17/01 – 17/02 – 17/03 – 15/04 – 15/05 – 16/06 – 15/07 – 18/08 – 17/09 – 15/10 – 17/11 – 17/12

Tourism employment based on the Active Population Survey, prepared by Turespaña
The Dataestur website offers information on the number of people working, employed and unemployed in the tourism sector. Data is updated approximately 45 days after the end of the quarter. In other words, the first quarter of 2025 would be available on 9 May.
Publication dates:
07/02 – 09/05 – 08/08 – 07/11

Activity indicators from the hospitality sector and travel agencies, tour operators and booking services and related activities
Between the 14th and 21st of each month, the INE publishes the data for the month before last. In other words, the statistics for January are published on 21 March.

Publication dates:
17/01 – 21/02 – 21/03 – 16/04 – 21/05 – 20/06 – 16/07 – 14/08 – 19/09 – 17/10 – 21/11 – 18/12

Active companies involved in tourism, based on the Central Business Directory (DIRCE)
These are annual records of active companies published by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE). In Dataestur, you can track detailed information on companies and local units of activities associated with tourism and with provincial disaggregation.
Publication date: December.

Satellite Account of Spanish Tourism
Annual frequency.
Summary statistics for economic indicators relating to tourism in Spain in the previous year published by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE).
Publication date: December.


Air traffic statistics, provided by Aena.
The figures relate to the previous month and include inbound and outbound flights at Spanish airports.
Publication date: Around the 15th.

Air passenger transport information
Monthly frequency.
Dataestur prepares monthly reports on the airports of Alicante, Almeria, Asturias, Barcelona, Bilbao, Fuerteventura, Granada, Gran Canaria, Ibiza, Jerez de la Frontera, La Coruña, La Palma, Lanzarote, Madrid, Malaga, Mallorca, Menorca, Santander, Santiago de Compostela, Seville, Tenerife, Valencia and Vigo. Information on searches, reservations, air capacity and traffic is analysed.
Publication date: Around the 15th.

Statistics on bus and train passengers  on medium- and long-distance routes
The update includes data from the month before last.
Publication date:
10/01 – 10/02 – 11/03 – 10/04 – 12/05 – 11/06 – 10/07 – 08/08 – 11/09 – 10/10 – 11/11 – 11/12

Port traffic statistics
Summary of passenger, ship and cruise ship data from the Spanish port authorities.
Publication date: Between the 20th and 25th of each month.


CTH – Hotel tourist climate: occupancy surveyprice index and profitability indicators
Frequency: Monthly
The data is collected in three dashboards to monitor the number of overnight stays and tourists staying in hotels and the variations in prices and revenue per available room. The publication refers to figures from the previous month.
Publication dates:
24/01 – 25/02 – 21/03 – 23/04 – 23/05 – 23/06 – 23/07 – 22/08 – 23/09 – 23/10 – 21/11 – 23/12

EOAT – Occupancy surveys in non-hotel tourist accommodation and prices: tourist apartmentsrural tourism accommodation and campsites
The figures for a month are published between the last days of the next month and the first few days of the following month. In other words, the data for February would be published on 1 April. Meanwhile, the data for March will be published on April 30.
Publication dates:
02/01 – 31/01 – 03/03 – 01/04 – 30/04 – 30/05 – 01/07 – 31/07 – 29/08 – 01/10 – 30/10 – 02/12

Tourist housing in Spain and prices
Six monthly.
Dataestur shows the data from the INE's experimental statistics measuring the quantity of tourist housing in Spain and its capacity. Starting in 2025, the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) publishes the information in January and July, with data for November and May, respectively.
Publication date: Around the 20th.

Hotel prices and satisfaction
It allows the study of visitor satisfaction with hotel accommodation, based on the analysis of mentions on the main travel websites. The update refers to data from the previous month.
Publication date: Around day 5.


Air quality in Spain
Dataestur monitors air quality trends based on data from the National Air Quality Index published by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
Publication date: Around day 1.

Weather information
Representation of data on temperature, hours of sunshine, ultraviolet index, rainfall and wind provided by the National Weather Agency. Allows the consultation of data and its evolution at the meteorological station level.
Publication date: Around the 15th.

In relation to sustainability, there are dashboards for protection of nature in Spain and water quality in Spanish swimming areas. Both visualisations are updated annually.


Outlook reports
Quarterly analysis of data from all Dataestur sources offering insights into the situation of tourism in Spain.
Publication dates:
January – April – July – October

Monthly indicator reports
It combines more than 30 indicators developed from sources available on the web.
Publication date: First week of every month.

Monthly active listening reports on tourism
Analysis of internet searches related to travel to Spain, detailing searches for flights and accommodation.
Publication date: Around the 13th.

Visitor satisfaction and perception of the destination
Monitoring of provincial indexes of: overall tourist perceptions, satisfaction with the tourism product, safety, hotel satisfaction, and perceptions of the weather.
Publication dates: Around day 5.

Dataestur Blog
Biweekly frequency.
Articles, data-driven questions and answers and guides to using dashboards.

*Pictures and grahps have been produced by ia software (Dall·E -  Napkin.ai; - Canva)


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