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Active tourism companies

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Active tourism companies

National Statistics Institute

The Central Directory of Companies (DIRCE) brings together, in a single information system, all Spanish companies and their local units across Spain. The statistics used for these displays contain aggregated information on active companies and local units associated with economic activities related to tourism. The categories included in the Tourism Satellite Account of Spain (CSTE) have been used, compiled by the National Statistics Institute (INE), in accordance with the international methodology supported by the UNWTO, the OECD and Eurostat.

Latest data: Year 2023 | Frequency: Annual update | Last update: December 2023


-The statistical use of the central business register contains aggregated information on the companies and local units that operate in the national territory, with reference to 1st January of each year.

-Due to the EBS Regulation 2019/2152 and its Implementation Act 2020/1197, the EED as of January 1, 2023 presents data that is not comparable with that of previous years. For this reason, the dashboard does not present interannual variations in the data in 2023


  • Activities associated with tourism:

    Transport, hospitality, travel agencies and other activities associated with tourism.

  • Hospitality:

    Accommodation and food and beverage services

  • Transport:

    Rail transport, other land passenger transport, maritime and inland waterways transport, air and space transport and motor vehicle rental activities.

  • Other activities associated with tourism:

    Real estate activities, culture industry and sports, recreational and entertainment activities.

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