- Housing for tourism is not a clearly defined concept. There is no single definition of this in Spain. The definition depends on the autonomous regions, each of which classifies tourist accommodation using its own criteria. The types of accommodation defined as tourist housing were selected following analysis of the legislation in each autonomous region.
-The percentage of housing for tourism as a share of the total housing stock in August 2023 has been calculated based on total housing data from the 2021 Population and Housing Census. For previous periods, the percentage of housing for tourism as a share of the total housing stock has been calculated based on total housing data from the 2011 Population and Housing Census.
-The average prices are approximate, they are calculated as averages of the average prices provided by the Informa source. Outliers have been detected and are being refined.
-The experimental statistics methodology in relation to housing for tourism is still published twice a year, although the publication dates have been adjusted. Moving forwards, the data used to estimate housing for tourism units will be from November and May, rather than February and August, as this information is considered to be more useful just before the busiest tourist months. November 2024 and May 2025 do not have annual variation percentage because they do not have an equivalent comparison period.