Housing for tourism

Housing for tourism

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Housing for tourism


The National Statistics Institute (INE) is involved in a series of innovative projects in relation to sources of information, statistical methods, the scope of study and ways of disseminating the results. The results of these projects are regarded as experimental as they are not yet mature enough in terms of the reliability, stability and quality of the data to be published as official statistics.

The following dashboard shows data from the experimental study with the main objective of estimating and analysing the supply of housing for tourism (VUT), beds and average prices.


- Housing for tourism is not a clearly defined concept. There is no single definition of this in Spain. The definition depends on the autonomous regions, each of which classifies tourist accommodation using its own criteria. The types of accommodation defined as tourist housing were selected following analysis of the legislation in each autonomous region.

-The percentage of housing for tourism as a share of the total housing stock in August 2023 has been calculated based on total housing data from the 2021 Population and Housing Census. For previous periods, the percentage of housing for tourism as a share of the total housing stock has been calculated based on total housing data from the 2011 Population and Housing Census.

-The average prices are approximate, they are calculated as averages of the average prices provided by the Informa source. Outliers have been detected and are being refined.

If you would like to view housing for tourism information on a map at municipal level, click on the map that follows.

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