Information on accommodation and restaurant services in Spain, from the point of view of the type of company, the number of employees, sales and results.
The data corresponds to the current state of the companies.
Holiday accommodation refers to activities classified with CNAE 5520 'Accommodation and other short-stay accommodation'. This class includes the provision of accommodation, usually for days or weeks, mainly for short stays of tourists, in spaces with separate entrances consisting of furnished rooms or living, eating and sleeping areas, with cooking facilities or fully equipped kitchens. These may be flats or apartments in small buildings or groups of buildings, multi-storey and independent, or bungalows, chalets or single-storey country houses and cabins. The complementary services offered are minimal or non-existent.
Other accommodation refers to activities classified with CNAE 5590 'Other accommodation'. This class includes the provision of temporary or longer-term accommodation in single or shared rooms, or in student residences, migrant worker (temporary) hostels and the like.