
May 2024
International visitors
13 Millions


Un gran número de personas en la playa
National Statistics Institute
Tourism movement at borders (FRONTUR)
Statistics on the number of visitors to Spain who are not resident in the country (tourists and day-trippers)
Monthly update
Tourism movement at borders (FRONTUR)
May 2024
Tourist expenditure
11.687,3 Millions €


Un bote de cristal, con una pegatina en la que podemos leer "travel", lleno de billetes de distinos paises, junto a unas monedas, sobre un mapa del mundo
National Statistics Institute
Survey of tourist expenditure (EGATUR)
Statistics on tourist expenditure by non-resident visitors while in Spain
Monthly update
Survey of tourist expenditure (EGATUR)
March 2024
15,7 Millions


Dos pasaportes, una cámara de fotos analógica, unas gafas de sol, una libreta de notas y una taza de té sobre un mapa moderno de Europa
National Statistics Institute
Resident tourism survey (ETR)
Statistics on travel by the resident population
Quartely update
Resident tourism survey (ETR)
Year 2023
Broadband coverage in Spain

Antenas de comunicaciones satelitales
Ministry of Digital Transformation
Broadband coverage
Study of the broadband coverage in Spain according to technology and speed by Autonomous Region and province
Annual update
Broadband coverage
May 2024
Tickets sold


Various providers
Leisure activities
Tickets sold and spending on leisure activities and shows
Monthly update
Leisure activities
March 2024
Tourism and mobile positioning

National Statistics Institute
Tourism from the position of cell phones
Experimental statistics of tourism from the position of cell phones
Monthly update
Tourism from the position of cell phones
Year 2021
World Tourism Barometer
451 Millions


Un viajero con su maleta en un aeropuerto
World Tourism Organisation
International tourist arrivals worldwide
Tourism indicators compiled by the WTO: International tourist arrivals, receipts and expenditure
Annual update
International tourist arrivals worldwide
1st QUARTER 2024
Public security

Crime Statistics Portal. Ministry of the Interior
Public security
Information on public security in Spain and Europe
Quarterly update
Public security
Year 2022
Visits to Museums
51,6 Millions


Una mapa antiguo que muestra el continenente europeo
Ministry of Culture
Visits to Museums
Statistics on museums and collections, quantifying the museum offer and its key characteristics.
Biennial update
Visits to Museums


June 2024
Tourism affiliates
2,9 Millions


Una recepcionista de un hotel sonriendo
Tourism job according to Social Security category
Workers actively employed in tourism-related jobs according to their Social Security registration.
Monthly update
Tourism job according to Social Security category
1st quarter 2024
Tourism workers
2,8 Millions


Un hombre abrochando la chaqueta de su traje mientras baja las escaleras de un edificio
Tourism-related jobs according to EPA
Study of the active population: employed and unemployed in tourism-related activities
Quarterly update
Tourism-related jobs according to EPA
May 2024
Job seekers
4,2 Millions


Public State Employment Service
Employment in Spain
Information on employment in Spain, with special attention to data on characteristic tourist industry occupations in Smart Destination network destinations.
Monthly update
Employment in Spain
June 2024
Consumer Price Index. Tourism and hospitality


Un pasillo de un supermercado lleno de productos
National Statistics Institute
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Evolution in price of consumer goods and services purchased by households resident in Spain.
Monthly update
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
May 2024
Turnover. Hotel and catering


Una persona mostrando su pasaporte
National Statistics Institute
Service Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI)
Monthly update
Service Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI)
December 2023
Tax refund expense

Global Blue
Tax refund expense
Tax refund transactions
Quarterly update
Tax refund expense
March 2024
Tourism revenue
6.658 Millions €


Billetes de 5, 10, 20 y 100 euros
Banco de España
Balance of Payments
Tourism and travel statistics in Spain’s current and capital account balance of payments. Revenue, payments and balance.
Monthly update
Balance of Payments
Year 2022
The contribution of tourism
11,6% of GDP

9,3% of employment

Una mano sujetando un papel con diversos gráficos y mapas para presentar la información
National Statistics Institute
Spanish Tourism Satellite Account
Annual update
Spanish Tourism Satellite Account
YEAR 2023
Tourism companies

National Statistics Institute
Companies active in tourist activity
Companies active in tourist activity
Annual update
Companies active in tourist activity


June 2024
Airport passengers
29,4 Millions


Ala de estribor de una avión contra un cielo parcialmente cubierto de nubes blancas
Air traffic statistics
Monthly update
Air traffic statistics
March 2024
Scheduled seats
3,8 Millions

Aviones estacionados en un aeropuerto cercano al mar, contra un atardecer
Scheduled flight capacity
Monthly update
Scheduled flight capacity
June 2024
Port passengers
3,7 Millions


Un crucero en alta mar
Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility
Port traffic
Statistics on passenger traffic in Spanish port authorities. Boarding, disembarking, and transit.
Monthly update
Port traffic
May 2024
Bus passengers
22,5 Millions


Autobús viajando por una carretera que atraviesa una zona de campo
National Statistics Institute
Interurban land transport
Bus and rail passenger transport statistics.
Monthly update
Interurban land transport
December 2021
Road traffic

Una persona consultando un mapa, en un coche estacionado, con los pies asomando fuera de la ventanilla
Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility
Road traffic
Traffic on the national road network
Annual update
Road traffic


June 2024
Nights stayed in hotels
38,2 Millions


Cartel luminoso de un hotel
National Statistics Institute
Hotel Occupancy Survey
Traveller survey, nights stayed, average stay and occupancy rate in the hotel sector.
Monthly update
Hotel Occupancy Survey
June 2024
Average daily rate


Una gráfica de valores en la que se reflejan las subidas, en color verde, y las bajadas, en color rojo, de los mismos
National Statistics Institute
Profitability indicators in the hotel sector
ADR (Average Daily Rate) and RevPAR (Revenue per Available Room).
Monthly update
Profitability indicators in the hotel sector
May 2024
Hotel price index


Una gráfica de valores en la que se reflejan las subidas y las bajadas de los mismos
National Statistics Institute
Accommodation price indexes
Statistics on the evolution of the set of prices applied by business owners to the different customers staying in accommodation in Spain.
Monthly update
Accommodation price indexes
February 2024
Housing for tourism


Housing for tourism
Supply of housing for tourism
Biannual update
Housing for tourism
May 2024
Nights stayed in campsites
3,8 Millions


Una tienda de camapaña de tamaño familiar, con un gran avance, iluminada desde el interior
National Statistics Institute
Campsite occupancy survey
Traveller survey, nights stayed, average stay and occupancy rate in campsites.
Monthly update
Campsite occupancy survey
May 2024
Nights stayed in apartments
1 Million


Llaves antiguas colgadas de un gancho en una pared de madera
National Statistics Institute
Survey of tourist apartment occupancy
Traveller survey, nights stayed, average stay and occupancy rate in tourist apartments.
Monthly update
Survey of tourist apartment occupancy
May 2024
Nights stayed in rural accomm.
1 Million


Una casa en el campo bajo un cielo estrellado
National Statistics Institute
Rural tourism occupancy survey
Traveller survey, nights stayed, average stay and occupancy rate in rural tourism accommodation.
Monthly update
Rural tourism occupancy survey
May 2024
Nights stayed in hostels
1 Million


Una habitación de cama de matrimonio con el techo abuhardillado
National Statistics Institute
Hostel occupancy survey
Traveller survey, nights stayed, average stay and occupancy rate in youth hostels.
Monthly update
Hostel occupancy survey
October 2023
Hotel prices and satisfaction

Hotel prices and satisfaction
Analysis of satisfaction with hotels and hotel prices at destinations
Monthly update
Hotel prices and satisfaction
December 2023
Accommodation and restaurant services

Accommodation and restaurant services
Analysis of the hospitality industry in Spain
Quarterly update
Accommodation and restaurant services


June 2024
Air quality in Spain

Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic challenge
Air quality
Analysis of air quality in Spain
Monthly update
Air quality
YEAR 2023
Swimming water quality

Ministry of Health
Swimming water quality
Analysis of water quality in Spanish swimming areas
Swimming water quality
July 2024
SICTED Tourist services with Covid-19 Prepared quality marking

Logotipo SICTED
Integral Quality System of Tourist Destinations (SICTED)
SICTED Tourist services with COVID-19 Prepared quality marking
Accreditation of compliance with SICTED advanced good practice for the reduction of the risk of infection by the SARS-Covid19 coronavirus in the tourism sector
SICTED Tourist services with COVID-19 Prepared quality marking
YEAR 2022
Nature protection

Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic challenge
Nature protection
State of nature protection in Spain
Pending update by the data source
Nature protection
June 2024
Weather information

State Meteorological Agency
Weather information
Analysis of weather information in Spain
Monthly update
Weather information


October 2023
Satisfaction and perception indices

Una persona mostrando su reacción mediante un gráfico con emoticonos y estrellas
Visitor perception of the destination
Analysis of visitor satisfaction and perception in Spain.
Monthly update
Visitor perception of the destination
December 2023
Tourist attractions

Tourist attractions
Rating of tourist attractions in Spain
Quarterly update
Tourist attractions
June 2024
Active Listening

Infografía que representa a diversas personas hablando a la vez sobre diversos temas
Active Listening
Online impact of news and comments relating to tourism in Spain
Monthly update
Active Listening
1st QUARTER 2024
Outlook reports

Outlook reports
Quarterly analyses of the data from all Dataestur sources to get a closer look at the reality of tourism in Spain.
Quarterly update
Outlook reports
July 2024
Tourism research of Spanish universities

Vista exterior de la entrada a un edificio moderno
Scientific Tourist Information System (SICTUR)
Scientific Tourist Information
What’s new in tourism research at Spanish universities
Monthly update
Scientific Tourist Information
June 2024
Scientific Journals on Tourism

Pilas de revistas de diversos temas
AECIT, IUSTEL and several Spanish universities
Scientific Journals on Tourism
Scientific journals on tourism and tourism publications produced by various organizations and universities.
Monthly update
Scientific Journals on Tourism
National Tourism Plans

Una persona consultando documentación
National Tourism Plans
Compilation of the different tourism plans promoted by the Spanish Government since 1952
National Tourism Plans
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