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Hotel prices and satisfaction

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Hotel prices and satisfaction


Study of visitor satisfaction with hotel accommodation, based on an analysis of the comments visitors make on the main OTAs.

The study of hotel accommodation is accompanied by information on average prices, based on how far in advance the booking is made and the days when the check-in takes place, whether on weekdays or weekends.


  • The monthly information for some indices is not available due to a lack of representative sample. However, it is possible that the sample of the annual aggregate may be sufficient to provide representative data.
  • The information in this scorecard can be complemented with the information collected in the outlook reports on visitor behaviour and perception at the destination, published in 'Visitor Perception of the Destination', under the category KNOWLEDGE.


  • Hotel Satisfaction Index:

    This index measures satisfaction based on analysis of comments on 3, 4, and 5-star accommodation and hotel accommodation as a whole. The index is based on a scale from 0 to 100, with 0 being the worst rating and 100 the best.

  • Percentage of comments:

    Share of comments, according to market of origin, out of the total number of comments made about the destination, for each hotel category.

  • Percentage of comments by age:

    Share of comments, according to market of origin and age group, out of the total number of comments made about the destination.

  • Prices, based on how far in advance the booking was made and the time of check-in:

    Average prices published on OTAs for accommodation in a destination, for one week, three weeks, one month or three months in advance, for check-in dates on weekends or during the week, for a particular month.

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