The Dataestur API is a service designed for data reusers or consumers that makes different data files published on the web available to them. The system allows the consultation and obtaining of information available in the database.

What is an API?
An API or Application Programming Interface is a set of protocols, functions and procedures that can be used by third party software to obtain data and information. Likewise, it allows the consulted information to be directly downloaded in an xlsx type file.

How does it work?
The access has been designed with the purpose of allowing the download of the data in a friendly way. The interaction with the data is carried out through a simple interface, guided step by step by selecting different options or query parameters:
1. Select the data you want to query.
2. Click “Pruébalo” and define the values of the parameters of your query.
3. Press “Execute” and the codes will be generated (Curl and Request URL) that you can use to automatically download the information in your systems.
4. You can also directly download the information of your query in an xlsx type file. To do this, click "Download file"

How to use the API to track tourism data

Discover how to use the API to track data and connect to the API to perform automatic updates in this post of the Dataestur blog.

Good usage practices to use the API Dataestur

Information available for consultation and download: