- Accommodation and food service companies
- Accommodation price indexes
- Campsite occupancy
- Hostel occupancy
- Hotel occupancy
- Hotel prices and satisfaction
- Housing for tourism
- Profitability indicators in the hotel sector
- Rural tourism occupancy
- Tourist apartment occupancy
- Analysis of tourism in Spain
- Broadband coverage
- External tourism reports, studies and analyses
- National Tourism Plans
- Public security
- Scientific Journals on Tourism
- Scientific Tourist Information
- Tourism active listening
- Visitor satisfaction and perception of the destination
- Active tourism companies
- Balance of Payments
- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- Employment in Spain
- POS (Point of Sale) spending and transactions
- Purchases from non-resident travellers in the EU
- Service Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI)
- Spanish Tourism Satellite Account
- Tourism job according to Social Security category
- Tourism spending from international visitors (EGATUR)
- Tourism-related jobs according to EPA
- Air passenger transport information
- Air traffic
- Coach and train travellers
- Port traffic
- Road traffic
- Scheduled flight capacity
- Analysis of tourism by mobile position
- International tourism worldwide
- International tourist arrivals (FRONTUR)
- Resident tourism (ETR)
- Tickets sold and spending on leisure activities
- Tourist attraction ratings
- Visits to museums