Weather information
State Meteorological Agency
Maximum temperature:
The highest air temperature recorded in the considered period, in degrees Celsius.
Minimum temperature:
The lowest air temperature recorded in the considered period, in degrees Celsius.
Average temperature:
The average air temperature recorded in the considered period, in degrees Celsius. The average monthly and annual temperatures for a measurement station are calculated as the arithmetic average of the daily and monthly average maximum and minimum temperatures.
Sun hours:
Number of sun hours per day. The insolation is the interval of time (h) during which solar radiation is sufficiently intense to produce well-defined shadows.
UV index:
This measures the intensity of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface at each wavelength, weighted by its harmful effects on humans. This index is classified as low (between 0 and 2), moderate (between 3 and 5), high (between 6 and 7), very high (between 8 and 10) and extreme (over 11).
Percentage of insolation:
The percentage measures actual hours versus theoretical sun hours (length of the solar day depending on location and day).
Accumulated rainfall:
Accumulated rainfall during the day, in mm (l/m 2). The accumulated rainfall in Provinces and Autonomous Communities is calculated as the accumulated rainfall average of the respective measurement stations.
Maximum rainfall intensity:
It is the rate of increase of the height reached by the rain with respect to time, in mm/h.
Speed and direction:
The maximum wind speed on the day, in km/h, with the time of occurrence. The direction is the direction from which the wind blows, at the time of the highest speed, in relation to the eight main directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW). In addition,