Dataestur offers an analytical display of the data published by the INE Learn about the number of homes for tourist use (VUTs), the percentage they represent out of the total number of homes, or the number of existing VUTs based on the area of the municipality or its population. Asturias registered the highest increase in the last year. The Canary Islands, Balearic Islands and Catalonia have the most municipalities with a higher proportion of VUTs over total homes. Madrid doubles ...
Schedule for updating information sources related to tourism Dataestur shows countless tourist data for analysis and an understanding of its changes IMPORTANT: Check 2025 data here Tourists received, origin, spending, employment in tourism, number of companies in the sector, tourist satisfaction, safety in destinations... On the Dataestur website, you can check a wealth of information and analyse the changes in tourism data. Below you can check the dates for when the main sources in the sector will be updated. If ...
Spain as a tourist destination in 2023 based on Google searches from outside Spain Barcelona is the destination most searched for by international tourists using Google Spain is the second most popular destination in the world based on Google searches for flights and tourist accommodation In general, there is a correlation between online searches - especially for accommodation - and the destinations chosen by tourists. Spain was the second most popular tourist destination in the world based on internet searches, ...
Tourism in Madrid, Málaga, Vigo and Puente Genil this Christmas Christmas lights are one of the major commercial attractions in cities during the festive season and particular cities are worth special mention on account of the investments they make, the promotion of their lights and their creativity. Taking data from the experimental statistics for measuring tourism through mobile phones from the National Statistics Institute, we have taken a look at their possible effect on tourism in four of these cities ...
Which is the more visited destinations in Christmas? Madrid is the destination par excellence, especially thanks to domestic tourism. The Canary Islands are the preferred destination for international tourists during the Christmas season, with municipalities that concentrate a large number of arrivals. Together, Andalusia and Catalonia are the autonomous regions with the most tourists due to strong internal tourism in both regions. What is the favorite destination for Christmas in Spain? INE statistics give us clues to identify the most ...
International tourists who travel to Spain for studies: where they go, where they come from and when they travel The average spending per trip for this sort of tourist is more than four times the general rate, due to an average stay of almost 50 days. Catalonia, Andalusia and the Region of Valencia are the regions that receive the most "student tourists": approximately one out of every five arriving in Spain. Study abroad trips are those with the longest average ...
Crime Data: Security and Transparency of Tourist Destinations in Spain Spain is a safe country, as can be seen from the data collected by law enforcement agencies and compared with Eurostat figures. You can consult Dataestur's "Citizen Safety" scorecard with data from the Crime Statistics System and Eurostat. Spain outperforms most countries in many categories of European safety statistics. For example, it has one of the lowest rates of theft, which is relevant to the tourist environment. This is without ...
Keys for Data Exchange in Tourism: the Role of Data Spaces Data spaces are environments for the voluntary and secure exchange of data. They will be the basis for sharing data resulting from the interaction between tourist, destination and tourism company. Segittur and Turium have presented the report "Spain and the challenge of tourism data spaces", which delves into the value of data spaces for data providers and destination managers. Tourism statistics are facing an emerging scenario in which the ...