
Segittur’s Smart Tourism System, 2023 CNIS award for “Best Comprehensive Data Strategy”

This award recognises its data governance model and the promotion of data sharing and reuse in the tourism sector

The National Congress of Innovation and Public Services (CNIS) honours solutions, experiences or good practices in the public sector in innovation. In 2023, it has recognised Segittur's contribution to the development of data culture in tourism with the award for "Best Comprehensive Data Strategy".

The stretegy of transforming data into a beacon for decision making 

The main objective of Segittur's Smart Tourism System is to use data as a basis for decision making. This system is based on making numerous data visualisations available to managers and agents in the sector to facilitate the understanding and analysis of data, and it is complemented by the search for municipal-level detail of data and the incorporation of in-depth reports.

In this way, the system seeks to enable the management and marketing of tourism services through more enriching information based on the knowledge this data generates. Segittur does this through an online system via two main platforms:

  • The public website dataestur.es, which gathers a multitude of official sources, direct purchase data highly relevant to the sector, data analysis reports and a blog on current affairs and possible uses of data in tourism.
  • A Tourism Intelligence System (SIT), currently in development, which seeks to store, manage and process municipal data on tourists, the destination and companies in the sector. It will serve as the foundation for a proactive strategy for long-term sustainable and resilient tourism based on management, planning and decision-making using data already produced and available in the SIT.

Ejemplo de la plataforma del SIT

For this initiative to succeed, it is essential to standardise data use. Therefore, in parallel, Segittur is developing the first ontology of the tourism domain at world level and has presented the conceptual reference model for the development of a Network of Ontologies for the Tourism Sector.

Awards for smart innovation projects in public administrations

The National Congress of Innovation and Public Services (CNIS) presented all the winners at its special 2023 CNIS gala on 11 October. The winners in all categories were:

  • Best Consolidated Public Innovation Project: AI Change Control – 2019-2022 Campaign for the Urban Planning Inspection of the City Council of San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
  • Best Digitalisation Model: Agencia Digital de Andalucía, the technology hub of the Government of Andalusia.
  • Best Artificial Intelligence Project: AI model for skin cancer diagnosis from the Government of Catalonia
  • Best Project Incorporating Emerging Technologies: La Palma Smart Island
  • Best Comprehensive Data Strategy: Segittur's Smart Tourism System.
  • Best Overall Website: My Citizen Folder, from the Spanish Government.
  • Best Citizen Assistance Digital Services Project: Video Procedures, from the Fuengirola City Council (Malaga)
  • Best Sustainable Digital Equality Strategy: "Estés donde estés" (wherever you are) digital certificate, from the Royal Mint of Spain
  • Best EU-funded Project (completed, justified and documented): Smart transformation of the Madrid Municipal Transport Company towards becoming a green company.
  • Best Smart and Sustainable City Project and New Urban Agenda: Digital municipality strategy of the Localret Consortium (Catalonia).
  • Best Cultural Transformation Initiative: Andalusian Institute of Public Administration for the cultural transformation of the administration Andalusian Regional Government.
  • Young Talent: "Pocket educational centre" from the Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council.
  • Best GovTech Project: Visualfly.
  • Special Award for Professional Career: Ester Manzano Peláez
  • Public Innovators Club Award for the Most Outstanding Innovator: Sonia Crespo and Rafael Lifante.
  • Special recognition 2023: Social and Digital Innovation Strategy in Catalonia, from i2CAT.

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