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SICTED Tourist services with COVID-19 Prepared quality marking

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SICTED Tourist services with COVID-19 Prepared quality marking

Integral Quality System of Tourist Destinations (SICTED)

Accreditation of compliance with SICTED advanced good practice for the reduction of the risk of infection by the SARS-Covid19 coronavirus in the tourism sector. These best practices have been adapted from the guidelines for the reduction of the risk of contagion by the SARS-Covid19 coronavirus in the tourism sector drawn up by the Secretary of State for Tourism and the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE).


On May 23, 2023, in the SICTED Interdestination Committee, it was agreed to eliminate the Prepared COVID-19 label.

On July 14, 2023, the last extraordinary committee to obtain or renew this distinction is held. From then on, those valid distinctions will last (2 years) but new ones will not be able to be obtained, this means that the number of distinctions from this moment on will decrease until it reaches 0 within two years.


  • COVID-19 Prepared:

    SICTED tourist services with the “COVID-19 Prepared” badge are those that have implemented and passed an external evaluation that guarantees strict compliance with all the requirements set out in the SICTED COVID-19 Advanced Best Practices. These Best Practices have been adapted from the Guides for reducing the risk of contagion of the SARS-CoV-19 coronavirus in the tourism sector, developed by the Secretary of State for Tourism and the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Spanish Tourism Quality Institute (ICTE).

  • In preparation:

    SICTED tourist services “In preparation” are those that are in the process of submitting themselves to an external evaluation that guarantees strict compliance with all the requirements set out in the SICTED COVID-19 Advanced Best Practices, offering their customers a more controlled and secure service.

  • Distinction Committee:

    The Distinction Committee completes the review of the requirements presented by the tourist services to obtain their badge and decides which have obtained the “COVID-19 Prepared” badge.

  • Function:

    The function corresponds to the main activity of the tourist service. There are over 30 functions in SICTED.

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